It's the BEAF!! in a ZINE! it's the...

....aaaaaaand it doens't exist! yet! purely in the concept phases right now :3

ideally, the BEAN is a monthly little zine that highlights the latest news in the world of online independent experimental animation. perhaps also including interviews, games, art submissions, as well as just little anecdotal pieces when inspiration strikes! this will be a pretty small scale project and will serve mostly as little pokes of BEAF content in-between the much more ambitious BEAF events

these zines will be published on this website as PDFs at the minimum, another goal would be to make them monthly, and the biggest goal would be to print them out and send them to people for a monthly price :0 !

much of the reason why this doesn't exist is because our current team is pretty much exclusively set on film fest event hijinks! if you would like to get involved with the BEAF and helping create and assemble this zine regularly is something that interests you, please reach out to us ^^ we would love to consider you as a part of our team!